Business starts with us

Economic growth and quality of life for the entire Braunschweig-Wolfsburg region

The Alliance for the Region - Working Together to Be Strong for Our Home

Wolfsburg AG has been a shareholder of the company Allianz für die Region GmbH (the Alliance for the Region) since 2013. The aim of the regional development organisation is to strengthen jobs and the quality of life in the entire Braunschweig-Wolfsburg region.

The work is based on networking experts and key competences. Together with partners, the company develops and realizes projects and initiatives in clearly defined fields of activity. Among other things, this includes working to attract, develop, and retain skilled labor in the region. In order to enhance the perception of the region as a good location for business with a high quality of life, the Alliance is committed to cooperative regional marketing and facing the challenges of the competition between regions.

Under the guiding principle of "bUSiness starts with US", the Alliance for the Region involves partners from local authorities and the fields of business and research in its work.